Media Resources

Media Contacts

The media relations team serves as the primary University contact for journalists. Email [email protected] or call 609-258-5733 to get in touch. We monitor email both during and after business hours and will respond to urgent queries as quickly as possible.

We can help you:

  • Secure comment on a University matter.
  • Identify and reach an expert source.
  • Obtain photo/video credentials.
  • Obtain photo files and reprint permission.

Some larger administrative and academic units have media relations teams that can help you in specific areas:

Campus Access


Journalists must contact the media relations team at [email protected] or 609-258-5733 before coming to campus. The University’s Campus Access Authorization Form (.pdf) is required for all filming and photography by journalists.

Commercial photography or videography

Commercial photography or videography is not permitted on campus without permission. The University monitors use of its name and identity to protect its trademarks and reputation. To request permission for commercial photography or videography, email [email protected].

Broadcast Studio

The University offers a studio space and high-quality audio and video connections for use by media interviewing members of the University community remotely. For more information, contact AV Services at 609-258-7872 or email [email protected].

Public Images

The University manages several collections of images. Learn more about our image resources

For Commercial Media

The Office of Communications reviews requests to use Princeton's name and/or image in films, television, advertisements, books, commercial websites and news releases, and other places.

If you are seeking permission to use the Princeton name or image in commercial media, you must contact the Media Relations Team. We will typically ask to review a script or other relevant materials that feature Princeton. 

Commercial media and outside companies who are not affiliated with the University should adhere to Princeton's intellectual property and restricted images guidelines.