Photography for Personal Use


Princeton welcomes visitors to our beautiful central New Jersey campus. As a private higher-education institution, the University’s primary responsibility is to its research and teaching missions and its students. This is a residential campus, and we seek to protect the privacy of our students in their living environment.

Personal and portrait photography 

The campus may be used for personal and portrait photography without a permit or fee, with the following limitations. Please consult the campus map for locations.

  • Personal and portrait photography is prohibited in and around all residential colleges and other dormitories, including interior courtyards in residential colleges; these include:
    • Butler College
    • Forbes College
    • Graduate College
    • Mathey College
    • New College West
    • Rockefeller College
    • Whitman College
    • Yeh College
    • Upperclass dormitories (1901-Laughlin Hall, 1903 Hall, Brown Hall, Cuyler Hall, Dod Hall, Feinberg Hall, Foulke Hall, Henry Hall, Little Hall, Lockhart Hall, Patton-Wright Hall, Pyne Hall, Scully Hall, Spelman Halls, Wilf Hall)
  • Personal and portrait photography is not permitted in Prospect House Garden or the vicinity of the University Chapel while the facilities are hosting a wedding ceremony or reception. 
  • University staff may make other areas off-limits to photography based on University needs.
  • Photo parties must remain outside and in publicly accessible areas at all times. Restrooms and other interior spaces must not be used for dressing or other photo preparations.
  • Photo parties may not block archways or doorways.
  • Photos must be for personal use only and may not be published for profit or used as marketing materials for photographers. Any use to promote a good or service is prohibited.
  • Princeton cannot arrange for parking or vehicle access to campus.

Parties that do not adhere to these guidelines may be asked to leave campus. Individuals are expected to comply with the requests and/or instructions of University police officers.

For more information, email [email protected].